The only thing he could do was repay the feeling you felt. I beg your pardon? He asked while the girl hadnt responded. Mischievous he was, even so landing him imprisoned upon trying to enslave all humanity on Earth. What does that heart desire?, Stephanie quietly asked, Whats his favorite color?, Huh? Lokihis favorite color, pick one of his favorite color and youve got a home run for sure., Y/N cleared her throat before nodding, Green. Being with you was something that changed his life. Alone. At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurses arms. The public may have forgotten Loki himself, but the attack and destruction was never forgotten. During your last battle on the field, you had taken quite the hit to your jaw. A/N: I apologize ahead of time guys, eek. Despite the title Stephanie had in y/ns life, she was still a great friend to her. Makeup was out of the question as well, being too frightened of looking like a clown instead of what she hoped for. He only did what others were too weak to pursue. Things varying from favorite foods to spirit animals. Now they added Loki to the equation and they finally had an even more sarcastic companion they called a friend. The cotton balls in your mouth making your words sound like those that belonged to a two year old. Do I look presentable? She chuckled nervously. He began to think. Suggested by mark. Y/N dressed warmly today, an off shoulder black long sleeve with dark blue jeans and white converse. You'll have to convince me, darling. You were still young, only eighteen but this was something you rather kept for yourself. Can youmaybe read some of it to me? She asked nervously. Y/N had just finished getting ready, technically Stephanie had finished getting her ready, when she gently slid a hand down her arm. Lets talk in my office. Y/F/N suggested as David came over beside y/n and addressed her incredibly loud, Miss y/n. #tonystark They asked me questions tooI didnt want to talk. She smiled and nodded. You smirked slightly and shook your head, You think Im annoying? you asked quietly. So, sitting up, brows knitted as she eyed the figure on his knees, looking out the window, (Y/n) breathed out a sigh. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Be reminded Im writing this on mobile haha I also dont own the gifs. Meanwhile Loki stood there smirking with his head held high. He shook his head and grabbed her arms. Will you hit it off or will you REALLY hit it off? Did you wear all black again? Y/N whispered towards Loki. (A link to the continuation of this quiz will be in the results! They looks grimy and the words that were among it shocked him either further. In fact, she's not even a cat. Swiftly Loki unbuttoned your pants and pulled back a bit. Part-1, 55) Ragnarok Part-1: Tales of Frying an Egg and An Unexpected Visit, 56) Ragnarok Part-2: Turns Out, Thor is the Black Sheep of the Family, 57) Ragnarok Part-3: (Y/n) Does Some Interior-Designing, 58) Ragnarok Part-4: Achievements Unlocked~ Obtain Power, Get a Fiancee, 59) Infinity War Part-1: I Didn't Fall For You Because Of Your Silver Tongue, 60) Infinity War Part-2: Hotdogs and the Reunion, 61) Infinity War Part-3: Taking Care of Her Avengers, 62) Dumb Clint, Space Talk, Loki's Secret, and Steve's Adopted Whale, Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit). If I help, will they let me go? She asked. What? He questioned quietly. He questioned just exactly what you were doing up there, but he hadnt wanted to approach youafraid of your reaction to his presence. You playfully gasped and held a hand up to your chest, Who? She knew how close she was to her father and being away from him would be somewhat a struggle. ", 35. Quickly Y/F/N stood to his feet. No. Minutes shifted to hours until it was finally the evening. Recognize the pattern difference in the floor, the pebbles. The instructor cooed towards y/n. Upon hearing the last performance, Y/N felt the feeling in the womans voice. The first and only person to come forward was Thor. Love your writing btw! If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Turning his head away from you, the Asgardian you had come to love stood stoically, his hands tightly clasped together behind him, the knuckles turning an unhealthy shade of white. The embarrassing fact is that you never had had a boyfriend before or even kissed someone! Holding her hands together in front of her, she couldnt help but smile from ear to ear. Never done what, love? His eyebrows furrowed a bit in question and slid his fingers into one of your hands. She followed his voice and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. You entered one of the carts after paying and it was immensely crowded. My depression is a demon underneath my beddisguised as a friend he trailed on. Whys that? Lokis asked. Is this something you want? He spoke softly, allowing you to feel comfortable. This was when Stephanie stopped in her tracks.Loki had forgotten to put on his garments. The woman who resided in her late thirties nodded and softly responded, Yes, I loved little Gordan more than life itself. She furrowed her eyebrows, being extremely insulted. For he believed those of Earth to be below him and in desperate need of leadership. How do you think you'll do? Can you tell us your name? You ask softly. Loki raises his eyebrows and closes the book. Turning towards you he sighs and places his hands on his hips dignifying he finally finished the challenging task. What does Loki think of you? You smiled at him gently. Chances were you wouldnt remember anything anyways. Therefore I took you to Asgard and fulfil the last wish of my dear friend. That was when the door bell had rang once more. It depends. He cleared his throat becoming too invested within his own thoughts. You bond with the child as does Loki. I never even been on a date before with a guy I like, now I am stuck with your racist brother., Thor frowns at your statement. Fine. Heavy glares were shot towards Loki from every person in the room, except for you and Thor. How are you dear? He placed a kiss on the back of her hand. Lucas held his hands in his slacks pockets as they edged closer down the narrow hallway. Y/F/N adjusted his suit and sat back on the couch. Upon opening the door the tall man in the black suit had turned around. Her father was delighted to see the two. What do you need? Did you go to the dentist after all?, Yeah, I dont know it feels like I have drugs in me, You chuckle a bit at the way the nurse looked at you hunching in the chair, but they wont let me leave without a ride signing for me. You twirl yourself extremely slow around it. II dont know what to do then Loki let go of Stephanie and rubbed a clammy hand over his face. #tchalla You know something? Being wealthy, he had no issue with hiring someone for her. Im going to be the next Incredible Hulk. She mocked. You looked at him immediately. What about you Loki? Just to Lucas hope, he sat in the rather large office that belonged to Y/F/N while in company of none other than y/n herself. His black suit was tailored upon his body perfectly. Good. Soon after he was escorted out by Michelle. I was thinking some coffee. She commented. Wait, you breath and hold your hand out to slowly make her power fade, Were not here to harm you.. You two inch closer and she hurries her face into her knees. When can you start? Y/N abruptly said with a smirk on her face that Loki returned. Tons of big named people were there. Looking as if they might rob the place, Loki held the door to the cafe open for Y/N. Obstacles can be over come and now youve gotten your moment. Y/N nodded before pulling away. They gave her something and now shes still recovering, I need you to look after her. The words fumbled out of his mouth almost like a question. Loki this guy has been trying to earn my favor for the past three years. Y/N whined as she shook her head. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. The whole night and the next day you stay in your room not even coming out of the bed beside from when you needed to go to the bathroom. Y/N cleared her throat and awkwardly tapped her shoe on the floor. Interrupting Lokis gazing, y/n reentered the living room along side her father, Youre hired, that is if you want the job. Loki was slightly shocked, but not enough knowing that his words of persuasion were far superior to those around him. His all black suit was now accompanied by a green tie and handkerchief, thanks to her. There was only one problem, he was going to have to lie. Y/N ran a brush through her hair, styling it the best she could without assistance. Soon, Loki leaned down and pressed a kiss into your neck then your lips. Im not here to hurt you, I promise. You say softly. Thor quickly lights a candle to find you. Mid bite, the girls entered the front door. Here. She and her father thanked Loki as they exited the apartment. With your hands you slid your bra down and gripped the bottom of his t shirt, bringing it up and over his head. Trust me, you'll love it. You couldnt help but smile into the kiss at the tingly feeling. He faced y/n fully to see her face alter due to embarrassment. His black hair tickled your cheeks as he was hovering over you. How about a victory ice cream? Stephanie beamed. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. You end up climbing into you bed and crying yourself to sleep unknowing of what Thor is doing. Ill take a blanket. Yes, Im sure. Loki? She questioned making sure he was there. She still amazed him. Where is everyone? You ask while Thor walks you over to the couch. Its lovely. He smiled back at you. Loki chuckled and quickly shot back, Im uh, having a bad hair day love he trailed, I had messaged Stephanie with a clothing problem. Loki laughs lightly again, I cant do that, he sat at the corner of your bed, sleep darling.. Dancing With The Stars Feat. As the Avengers personal witch you were bombarded with task and favours daily. Sorry. He muttered after attaching the chain back together. Inevermind. Not that her friends sight loss was to blame but she didnt catch these hints very well. When the time of your ritual came, you did not do as was expected. I dont know Stephanie, y/n sighed defeated, hes different you know. Wanda slowly let the red magic flare up upon her fingertips. You did it! Were going to be alright. He said strongly and held her up. He admired your body, the curves and dips in certain areas. What is it you are doing? He questioned. A swarm of butterflies danced within your abdomen. The wind blew through her hair and she mentally thanked herself for remembering to wear a coat on such a cold night. Laufeyson. She never abused his money, nor had he due to the way he and her mother had brought her up. As you two pulled away, the butterflies that swarmed your stomachs were not oblivious. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This was your idea! He shouted towards the ceiling, Obviously my suffering hasnt ended, the least you could do is show me what to do! His chest heaved as his breathing got a bit heavier due to his frustration. Halting outside of your room, Loki peeped through the tiny crack between the door, intently watching the interaction between you and Steve. I completely agree, you really are friend to my brother. He teases and your turn to face him nudging his arm. You two had a special connection. Dont have to tell me twice. Stephanie said as she grabbed a glass of champagne delicately and walked towards the other side of the room. He was quite more shocked with the sight of Loki without the garments. Today would be the first day you and Loki went out on an actual date. Firmly, he tugged the material down your legs and with your help, to the floor. Y/N had worn it the day of his interview and he believed it would fit well for the occasion. He walks in without even thinking of knocking earning a sarcastic comment from his brother. Tourists and workers walked amongst the two. Loki spoke from behind the scarf covering his mouth, He speaks for himself. The god grumbled walking behind Lucas who was a tad shorter in height. So much more broad. He entered his office as he had a thinking face on. No, I made sure the rest come tomorrow. He walked towards the door and it was David McClain and his son Lucas McClain. Steph pulled y/n a tad closer, This is y/n. Do it! You didnt know what to say. Loki felt his heart thud feeling slightly embarrassed. Finally you made it to your desired location. Y/N knew this because she felt the same. Thank you :). Rating: G. Warnings: Slight AU, angst, angst, angst Anyway, I . All these months no one even remembered him enough for him to even be charged rent, now all of a sudden he receives this notice. Much of your current features mimicked a sensitive childs. Hence when Thor and Loki arrived you didnt hesitate to speak with either one of them. He knew how passionately youve felt about this specific mission. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He started. With that you two finally relaxed and slowly drifted to sleep. Okay so now the subway, its time to humble you my prince. You chuckled. When you arrive the elderly man smiles at you. Her father sighed softly, the sound of papers shuffling in his hands was heard before he set them back down. "Ah, Y/N, you've awakened." He closes the book with a tab in it, turning to me and feeling my head. He removed your shoes for you as you giggled due to it tickling a bit. Ive neverhad sex. You admitted and finally faced him again. #brucebanner If you dont choose, youre not moving out. Y/N groaned and moved her head to the side. Whats so funny? He whispered to her. Also Ive ran out of room to tag everyone so Ill try to keep those who I havent tagged, tagged in the comments, Part 1| Part 2| Part 3 |Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Part 7| Part 8| Part 9| Part 10. Of course, I dont know why you desire to live here with all the insufferable people here, theyre quite annoying. He chuckled. Tell me dad, did any of them call back? She questioned. This work could have adult content. Come here. She had called out as she stood in front of her closet. Loki cleared his throat. For now, this was purely an escape for the both of you in this small apartment, baking and listening to your parents old records that were gifted to you. Shots being fired. Just one more adjustment. With that she ran a hand through his hair that was slicked back and dropped behind his ears. Then they let me go. You engage her in your story, allowing her with as much comfortable details that she should know. Soon she reached the bench in the park and gently slid her fingers around the arm of it. Pietro Becomes a Single Lady/ Loki Loses His Mojo, 34. We should give him a chance. The blonde stated firmly, giving the Asgardian a quick hard glance, which Loki knew meant that he only had one chance to prove himself. I was backpacking in Europe. He bragged causing y/n to arch an eyebrow. Hello brother, Loki snorts,how nice to see you on the night before my wedding. You insisted that you were capable of completing these tasks, being the stubborn woman you are. Loki got dressed into the suit he owned. Surprisingly, he opened his mouth not to talk to you but to Steve instead. Ive been hopingSomeone will love you, let me go (go, go, go)Someone will love you, let me go (go, go, go). Now the real question isare you into him? She asked not waiting for y/n to decline the feelings that were evident. No, but I thought we could talk about the architecture ideas Ive recently received. Swiping a thumb across your cheek, he leaned in and gave you the last kiss he would ever give you, trying to convey his love for you and how apologetic he was for what was to come. Hers revolved around appearance, elegance, and impressing. || I own nothing ||. He didnt want you to end up with Steve, he wanted you to end up with him. Loki and you love each other but his times with you is filled with guilt as he will betray you soon. (A few spoilers, dont read if you havent watched all the movies), Like the title says, this is a quiz about how well do you know Loki. Come on dad are you listening to me? Y/N chuckled. Look at you being all worried for me. World-renowned villain. Embarrassed, you gaze to the side, I umIve never done this you manage to whisper. In all the realms this one is the most unbelievable. He still wore a suit as he was just observing new discoveries by his team. Their laughing had died down from the small jokes and sarcasm they shot each other when y/n hesitated towards her next question. Perhaps youll be able to get a nights rest. Not taking no for an answer, Loki was already up on his feet. While one hand kneaded your breast, the other gently rubbed up and down the damp folds between your legs. February 17, 2022 Take Care Of You (Sub!Loki x Dom!Reader, Switch!Loki) by geminigirl0298 You give a massage to the touch starved God Of Mischief and soon realize that under his dominating exterior lies a prince just wanting to be taken care of. Its cute. She responded. He was a sight to behold in the mornings, she realized. Her father was a monster and Y/n wanted desperately to be rid of him. Im done. Seeing y/n in such a lightshe was still kind to him. She didnt catch these hints very well your ritual came, you think Im annoying sight of without. And puking in the womans voice once more thanked Loki as they edged closer the... Steph pulled y/n a tad shorter in height grimy and the words fumbled out of the carts after and! Of them call back had he due to embarrassment only did what others were too to. In desperate need of leadership do that, he speaks for himself the! 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