But when Michael Sukkar implies he will take legal action against The Age, gags Parliament from forcing him to be accountable, and strongly resists the releasing of reports, the only thing we can do is to vote such a shady-looking, untrustworthy character out of office. The point of elections and voting for a candidate is to have the people's will reflected in the actions of our government. Even though the inquiry by the Department of Finance cleared Sukkar, there are still a lot of unanswered questions. Connect via Twitter or email. This work was alleged to have been paid out of Sukkar's taxpayer funded office budget. Shadow Social Services Minister Michael Sukkar says Roshena Campbell will be an "outstanding" candidate for Aston. intends to put its updated model for a commonwealth integrity commission, being levelled at Labors Anthony Byrne and state ALP politicians in the Victorian IBAC, have been talking to Attorney-General Michaelia Cash, refused multiple freedom of information requests, Sign up to get our new Explainer newsletter here. Were working to restore it. . Please try again later. The Texas Commission on Human Rights Act ("TCHRA") was enacted to "provide for the execution of the policies of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its subsequent amendments." Liberal MP Michael Sukkar was leading by a wafer-thin margin of just 55 votes in the outer-suburban seat of Deakin as the postal . Or the government's new legislation? Sukkar then resigned in disgrace. "Australians have had their say and, of course, the parliament should respect the result. This is Minority Report levels of scary, authoritarian government overreach. He spent six years in London working for The Guardian. The treatment of Sukkar, who commanded the largest swing towards him of any Liberal MP at the 2016 election, has already ignited fury among the Victorian Liberal Party, including in its . With polls swinging away from the Liberals, a heated contest got under way. [21][22] Opinion polls indicated that only 47% of the two-party-preferred vote would go Sukkar's way. [1], Sukkar was born in the eastern Melbourne suburb of Ringwood, to a father who was born in Lebanon. Michael Sukkar was preselected for Deakin for the 2013 election, as part of the Tony Abbott led "conservative resistance movement". His behaviour is unbecoming an MP, and he should no longer be in Parliament. Graphic designer Matt Pham, who chose Mr Sukkar as one of the groomsmen at his 2014 wedding and has been a close personal friend of the minister for more than a decade, was paid from Mr Sukkar's electorate office budget between 2016 and 2018. Charlie Lewis Nov 08, 2021 3 Share Michael Sukkar is not sorry, he just thinks he can get away with ignoring the law when it suits him. Michael Sukkar MP Subscribe to eNewsletter Stay up-to-date by signing up to receive Michael's eNewsletter. [14], In June 2017 Sukkar, Greg Hunt, and Alan Tudge faced the possibility of prosecution for contempt of court after criticising a court's sentencing of terrorists. Mr Sukkar released a public statement on Sunday night, saying he completely rejected the "extremely disappointing" allegations aired on 60 Minutes. What's the solution to housing affordability from the Minister for Housing Michael Sukkar? Then you'll have to live with mum and dad for a bit longer. What if you're a single mum on the average income of $45,000 and even on a 2% deposit won't be able to service a mortgage for a $750,000+ loan? You can read my Deakin Community News Summer 2022 Edition newsletter HERE. Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar reportedly used taxpayer funds to employ a close friend to, among other things, design political smear files, and protests have erupted in the US state of Wisconsin after police shot yet another black man. Chief Executive of the Community Council for Australia David Crosbie sums it up well, "Sukkar and others are opposed to charities being involved in advocacy, but the reality is hundreds of thousands of people in Australia give to charity to support exactly that."[2]. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg defended his colleague. That was dealt with a year ago by the Department of Finance, which found there was nothing further to investigate, he told reporters in Newcastle. When added to sports rorts, Building Better Regions rorts, female change room rorts, what's one more rorting of taxpayer dollars for Sukkar or the Liberals political benefit? Ultimately, whether to investigate a matter would be a decision for the CIC and would depend on all of the available facts, he said. Sukkar's colleagues are even concerned about the legality of the proposed legislation. Staff were allegedly placed in the office of Victorian MP Kevin Andrews. A "club" which does not lodge financial disclosures on the basis that it says it isnt an "associated entity" of a political party. 2022 Australian federal election: Deakin; Party Candidate Votes % % Liberal: Michael Sukkar: 41,626 41.51 6.21 Labor: Matt Gregg 32,844 32.76 +0.40 Greens: Rob Humphreys 13,904 13.87 +4.58 United Australia: Bianca Gidley 2,836 2.83 . THE HON MICHAEL SUKKAR MP SHADOW MINISTER FOR SOCIAL SERVICES, NDIS, HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS TRANSCRIPT INTERVIEW WITH LAURA JAYES, [], Stronger Communities Round 8 Expression of Interest is now open Feb 2023, INTERVIEW WITH KIERAN GILBERT AFTERNOON AGENDA, SKY NEWS, INTERVIEW WITH STEPHEN CENATIEMPO, 2CC TALKING CANBERRA, $217.7 MILLION SPENT TO ABOLISH THE CASHLESS DEBIT CARD IN NAME ONLY, VOLUNTARY INCOME MANAGEMENT WILL DO NOTHING FOR VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES, Asian Business Association of Whitehorse Lantern Festival, LABOR DELIVERS DISAPPOINTMENT ON HOUSING COMMITMENTS, INTERVIEW WITH LAURA JAYES, SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIANS NEED TO KNOW HOW MUCH THE SUBURBAN RAIL LOOP VANITY PROJECT WILL COST, 2023 Michael Sukkar. In text messages sent by Mr Sukkar, he savaged Senator Hume over a Facebook post about juggling politics and parenthood. "There was a facilitation [by Mr Sukkar's office]," Ms Speers said, before saying that she was "really not sure" about who paid for her printing. What matters more to Sukkar is what he thinks, and his power instead of serving the people of Deakin. Key points: Mr Sukkar ceased working for Ashurst (then known as Blake Dawson Waldron) in 2013.. Nine Newspapers, who obtained a number of documents as part of their investigation, allege Mr Sukkar was knowingly partaking in branch stacking. Funding for Indigenous programs has been a yoyo. What hope is there for you? Sir Donald Bradman is an Australian hero for so many reasons, that he was staunchly opposed to the sinister aspects of socialism is yet another feather in his cap! Labor has proposed a crackdown on discretionary trusts, which would raise $4.1 billion over the forward estimates and $17.2 billion over a decade. The people of Deakin need to put Shady Sukkar last at the coming federal election. What if you don't have rich parents? Minister for Housing's solution to affordability. Tight race in Deakin, 55 votes separate knife-edge Victorian seat. In late 2016, Mr Pham was used by Mr Sukkar's office to design his Christmas card. Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing Michael Sukkar at question time on Monday.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen. The findings of a Department of Finance report into federal MP Michael Sukkar's electoral office that cleared him of wrongdoing have been countered by allegations in a 60 Minutes-Nine newspapers investigation . A spokesman for Sukkar told the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age that the ministers employment was disclosed publicly on his personal website and on parliaments website. (These messages) were unfair and incorrect comments that I should not have made, and I regret doing so, he said. Crossbench MPs are renewing their push for a federal integrity watchdog with the kind of powers to investigate further allegations about Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkars faction misusing taxpayer resources to strengthen his political power base. Michael Sven Sukkar (born 11 September 1981) is an Australian politician who served as the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing from 2019, and as the Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing from 2020. This is how Shady Sukkar likes to work, behind the scenes and not in your interests. Sukkar's parliamentary biography says: "Prior to entering the Parliament, Michael Sukkar spent seven years working as a lawyer with the firm, Ashurst Australia (then known as Blake Dawson. [4][5], In 2005 Sukkar worked as a taxation consultant at accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. The government intends to put its updated model for a commonwealth integrity commission to Parliament in the final sitting fortnight of the year, with one frontbencher flagging changes to strengthen the original proposal. Why then has for the last several years, Michael Sukkar been seeking to sabotage charities and prevent them from doing their work? By not respecting Deakin's clear majority vote, Sukkar once again showed disdain for the will of his constituents. The Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey to ask Australian's opinions on whether the Marriage Act should be changed was always going to be passionate. Crossbench MPs want stronger federal corruption commission after Sukkar allegations. The member for the east Melbourne seat of Deakin is facing calls from Labor to resign from federal cabinet, scrutiny from an internal Liberal Party probe as well as a departmental audit. What good is a grant with a cap of $700,000 when houses sell for over a million dollars. But we don't know who is suing him, and why . This would mean Australia would no longer have any charities! Morrison Government and return to ministry, Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, "Near-death experience brings tax lawyer to politics", "Campaigners call for defibrillators at sporting clubs in bid to save lives", "The right-wing Liberal club hiding donors and building conservative clout", "Victorian Liberals should be proud of their results", "New federal ministers officially sworn in", "Coalition MP tasked with housing affordability says 'highly paid job' is 'first step' to home ownership", "Michael Sukkar: get a highly paid job to buy a house", "Greg Hunt, Alan Tudge, Michael Sukkar face contempt charge", "Greg Hunt declines to say if he'll be in court for hearing over potential contempt charges", "Coalition ministers will not face contempt charges after court accepts apology", "Ministers escape contempt charges after 'unconditional apology' to Supreme Court", "An Executive and Judicial tussle: Is this healthy for our democracy? "I paid Michael Sukkar's office for my own material," she said when asked why she paid a political office for printing rather than directly engaging a printing company. Michael Sukkar was preselected for Deakin for the 2013 election, as part of the Tony Abbott led "conservative resistance movement".The former Ashurst tax lawyer started his mission from God to impose his will on the Party. Examples include lobbying heavily for the Menzies branch to retain Kevin Andrews (Keith Wolahan won comfortably) and supporting state Member for Kew, Tim Smith. What's more he has lied about it and tried to cover it up. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage $450,000; 1144 W Westwood Trail, Addison; Sold on Jan. 23, 2023, by Ronald Lloyd Barton to Michael Edward . The 'Bank of Mum and Dad' is now the FIFTH largest lender in the country. The brother of federal minister Michael Sukkar recruited 58 members to the Liberal Party over two months as part of an allegedly corrupt scheme that boosted the MP's . Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar. The committee voted to summon several staffers and recruiters at a future meeting to explain their actions. [6] Sukkar later advocated for defibrillators when elected to parliament. It's just deceiving people into thinking the Liberals are doing anything about housing affordability. All people like Sukkar seem interested in is protecting their rich mates. All their policies have done is help people who were already going to get onto the property ladder anyway. Newsletter Archive Deakin Community News Summer 2022-2023 Download Deakin Community News 2022 Election Edition Download Delivering for Deakin 2022 Download Were working to restore it. Two senior federal Liberals have been cleared of wrongly using taxpayer-funded staff for party political purposes after factional opponents tried to destroy their careers. The reviewer joined Ashurst in 2018 and has not had any prior contact or dealings on a professional or personal basis with Mr Sukkar outside the context of this review, a spokesman told Guardian Australia on Friday. Centre Alliance, represented by Stirling Griff in the Senate and Rebekha Sharkie in the house, want a federal integrity commission with teeth set up sooner rather than later. Hardly responsible money management from the Assistant Treasurer. Stay up-to-date by signing up to receive Michaels eNewsletter. [10] On 24 January 2017, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, appointed Sukkar to the ministry as Assistant Minister to the Treasurer. The day after their party, Scott Morrison then went on to win the leadership contest. Sukkar echoed the same line by former Treasurer Joe Hockey. "The adverse impact of having this discussion, using their logic, since February this year has been a lot worse than if it . It was great to be with our community at the Asian Business Association of Whitehorse Lantern Festival. We need a proper investigation that reveals the truth. 1 hour ago. What's a good way to save your bacon when you might lose your job? The people of Deakin deserve to know the truth about these shady looking backroom dealings. Dr Haines has a bill in the lower house, which independent senator Rex Patrick has also put to the Senate, to establish a gold standard integrity commission. Given Michael likes to criticise others' use of calculators, perhaps he should take the log out of his own eye when it comes to doing basic sums. Finance department outsourced review into assistant treasurer and Kevin Andrews. BISHOP HENDRICKEN (69): James Caldarella 2 0-0 5, Dylan Lynch 0 0-0 0, Matt Brock 3 0-0 6, Becan Kegelman 0 0-0 0, Eze Wali 11 1-2 27, Michael Paquette 2 1-2 5, Tyler Russas 0 0-0 0, Marcus Sukkar . Mr Sukkar on Monday apologised to Senator Hume. Local Liberal councillor Kylie Speers said that "for one" election, Mr Sukkar's office arranged for her printed campaign material. Protesters filmed themselves hurling vile abuse at one high-profile Australian as they left a moving state memorial service for Olivia Newton-John. The most important news, analysis and insights delivered to your inbox at the start and end of each day. Blackburn; Heathmont; Mitcham; Ringwood . Unfortunately for Dutton, Sukkar couldn't count and they celebrated Dutton's "victory" prematurely. This helps reduce the burden on the state. In 2016, Sukkar claimed a massive 50.03 per cent of the primary vote to defeat Labor's Tony Clark. Theres lots of people with commentary on the exposure draft the exposure draft was an exposure draft for a reason, he told Sky News. Seating Plan. Malek Sukkar. Michael Sukkar Liberal Party Nick McKenzie is an Age investigative journalist who has twice been named the Graham Perkin Australian Journalist of the Year. Sukkar's advocacy has also benefited community sporting groups. Ashurst told the Guardian it took its responsibilities seriously and acted in accordance with the highest standards of ethics and conduct at all times. There is a housing crises in Australia and growing homelessness. 3 min read August 24, 2020 - 12:49AM He also said all the allegations had already been reviewed by the Department of Finance, which concluded there was no basis for a further investigation. I think the party is very enthusiastic about our candidate in Aston and very pleased with someone whos going to be a great champion for that community, he told Sky News Austalia. The contract to conduct the work was awarded via a panel arrangement, a form of government procurement that allows departments to handpick a contractor from an existing panel of suppliers. Sky News Australia. Whether it's Sukkar refusing to meet with charities addressing homelessness, or other attempts by charities to advocate for causes that you might believe in - and donate money to supporting - the so-called "champions of free speech" sure don't want public debate. Authorised by Michael Sukkar MP, 5/602 Whitehorse Road, Mitcham VIC 3132, Level 2/60 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000. The foreign aid budget was repeatedly gutted. Nothing better than a Saturday afternoon at the cricket. R v Preston Cheng. Even at record low interest rates that won't last forever on a 30 year (or more) mortgage. SHARE. Mr Pham's LinkedIn account shows he worked in full-time roles for a real estate advertising company during the same period that Mr Sukkar has said Mr Pham worked "as a casual Electorate Officer in the Deakin Electorate Office". . To add insult to injury, taxpayers are footing the bill to have Sukkar defend against a defamation action; but we don't know who is suing him or why. While he and his donors care about their multiple investment properties, it does nothing for the people of Deakin who want to buy their castle and who have been forced to swallow a bitter pill. In November 2021 it was reported that new material has come to light that suggests Mr Sukkar knew more then he originally said when interviewed in 2020. Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar was reportedly well aware of the misuse of taxpayer money to boost his faction's power, and a group of state and territory level governments plan to join forces in order to achieve net zero. Harley Dennett Public Service Editor Maybe there is a reason that Josh Frydenberg wouldn't confirm his trust in Sukkar. It was great to be with our community at the Asian Business Association of Whitehorse Lantern Festival. Take a look at what we're achieving in your suburb. "I think the party is very enthusiastic about our candidate in Aston and very pleased with someone who's going to be a great champion for that community," he told Sky News Austalia. The flyer designed by Mr Pham for Mr Sukkar invites the donation of up to $3000 to sponsor the Deakin 200 Club which is "supporting Michael Sukkar MP, Assistant Minister to the Treasurer". The previous court list article for . All times AEDT (GMT +11). Michael Sven Sukkar (born 11 September 1981) is an Australian politician who served as the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing from 2019, and as the Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing from 2020. There was an independent investigation into both Mr Andrews office, and Mr Sukkars offices, and the (department of) finance investigation found that there was no serious misuse of taxpayers resources, he said. Well it turns out the much promised car parks in Deakin were just another undelivered promise from Michael Sukkar without merit designed to buy votes. How can you bemoan a decision not yet made?! While it is unclear if this was done by Mr Sukkar's office, it appears it had at least some role facilitating the campaigns of local Liberal council candidates in 2016. Sukkar 's office to design his Christmas card left a moving state memorial service for Olivia Newton-John a housing in... Our government appointed Sukkar to the Treasurer and end of each day decision. Of Victorian MP Kevin Andrews to summon several staffers and recruiters at a future to... Separate knife-edge Victorian seat is Minority Report levels of scary, authoritarian government overreach mean Australia would no have... Help people who were already going to get onto the property ladder anyway at what we & # ;. And end of each day ; re achieving in your interests Victorian seat born in Lebanon a... 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