Peter was a fisherman from Galilee, but Jesus called him to be a fisher of men ( Luke 5:10 ). Then, when everyone had done eating, Jesus turned to Simon Peter and said, Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? 15 Yes, Lord, he acknowledged, you are aware of my affection for you. Feed my lambs, Jesus instructed. Possibly, the Hebrew form of the name was Yohanan and Jonah is an Aramaic abbreviation, while John is from the Greek form of the same name. Jesus diagnosed the disciples' problem as being a condition of "little faith". The second point to consider is whether or not there is a significant difference between the two terms. .iconbox.av-av_icon_box-e9d9cebfa6ac4ba084396b316784eae6 .iconbox_icon{ Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. John 21:15-17 The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?". But in the reverse act, he and the disciples woke up the Son of God to save them from perishing, Matthew 8:23-25. The names Simon bar Jonah (meaning "Simon, the son of Jonah") (Matthew 16:17), which is a patronymic form in reference to his father, and Simon Peter (Matthew 16:16), which is a combination of his birth name and the name given to him by Jesus, are also used to identify him.) Peter, who has recently gotten his own pastoral commission as well as an obituary notice, is now interested in learning what will happen to John. Then there are bigger groups of individuals, such as the children in your class or the members of your sports team. The parable used was a gourd that shaded Jonah from the hot sun which later withered away when God sent a worm to kill it. These men did not walk the water, because Jesus said they were "of little faith.". Jesus responded, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father in heaven. Share "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my . So I am a Jew and I read the Bible as a Jew. Peter has been labeled "blessed" for understanding and believing this to be true. (9) Now JONAH knew God all the time, that He was merciful to all His children whether Jew or gentile. He was to be a fisher of men, as Christ had stated many years before. Peter was put through the entire recommissioning process by Jesus, and it was an emotional experience. The men in the ship woke him up and asked him to call on his God that the sea might be still, Jonah 1:4-6. "The office of binding and loosing which was given to Peter was also assigned to the college of apostles united to its head." He had just called him in verse 17 "Simon Barjona." This means, Simon son of Jonah. Like you and me, Peter was also called, equipped, and sent by Jesus. Again Jesus said, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." John 21:16. The disciples, on the other hand, were completely unaware that it was Jesus. And God again shows Jonah mercy with this generous revelation: As you pity a plant you did not make so, should I notpity Nineveh where 120,000 people do not yetknow me?. JOHN 21:15-1715 (John 21:15-1715) Consequently, when they had finished their meal, Jesus asked Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than those who are with you? Yes, Lord; You are aware of my affection for You, he said. They waited until a cloud obscured His appearance from their view. Words take on meaning in the context in which they are used, and dictionaries merely summarize the ways in which words have been used in the wide variety of circumstances in which they have been employed. Place them in a circle around the first circle, with their backs to the first circle. This not only provides insight into the textual episode in question, but it also has the potential to have implications for life situations and pastoral practice: My father is suffering from Alzheimers disease, and my mother visits him at the care facility on a daily basis. But it was Jesus the Word walking on the waters that calmed the sea, - Notice Jesus' witness for the second time that the disciples' problem was "little faith" because of doubt. (See also John 16.27) Additionally, Barrett points out that the two Greek verbs appear to be used interchangeably in the Greek version of the Old Testament, the Septuagint (LXX), citing as an example Proverb 8.17, Those who love (phileo) me, I love (agapao), and those who seek me will find me, which both Greek verbs translate the same Hebrew verbahv (love). Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? Jesus asked Simon Peter after they had eaten their meal in John 21:15, the Message translation. The prophet Jonah, and Simon, the son of Jonas, better known as Peter, had reverse roles, but the Father taught both the same lesson. What happened to Andrew Peter's brother? When Jesus arrives, he takes food from them and gives it to them, as well as fish. In addition, verse 14 says, This is the third time that Jesus has revealed himself to his followers, following his resurrection from the grave. Now comes the time for Jesus to ask Peter three questions: So when they had finished eating, Jesus says to Simon, Come with me. With His third inquiry, Jesus lowers the bar of love all the way to Peters, and there is a meeting of minds. And if we ever ask a question similar to the one Peter posed, the Lords response will always be the same: What exactly does it mean to you? Your email address will not be published. Because it was almost the length of a football field, they were unable to identify who it was. Please bear in mind that when Jesus talked to Peter and asked him these three questions, He did not speak in Greek (the language in which the Gospel of John is written), but rather in Aramaic, the language used by the Jews of that day, which is important to remember. Jesus gives Peter the power to bind and loose in Heaven covenants made on earth. When God called Jonah to go and warn the violent and . Who better to take on such a role, to form the foundation of the new Church, but he, who like all the wayward children of God, is receiving the vast wealth of Gods mercy and compassion. The man who figures generally as the leader of the twelve disciples in the NT usually bears the name Peter ( , G4377 ). And the use of these two synonyms also needs to be put in the context of Jesus synonyms for feed and my sheep. In Mark 3:16-17, the Lord Jesus surnamed Simon with the name of "Peter"; James and John he surnamed "Boanerges.". In John 1:42 and in John 21:15, Simon is called the "Son of John." Although John and Jonah sound alike in both Hebrew and English, they are not the same name. I thought her insights well worth sharing, indeed better than my own this week, so the following is adapted from the notes for her oral presentation. The following morning, after eating a breakfast of fish on the shores of Tiberius with his followers, Jesus addresses Peter personally (John 21). Peter's name was also Simeon-the same as the patriarch of one of the 12 tribes of Israel-which was shortened to Simon. (See also John 21:3) Things, on the other hand, were about to change. Then someone else could believe you and start telling their friends. What the story of Jonah reveals to us is that it was always in Gods heart to reconcile all people to Himself and to one another. I take it that your question is occasioned by Matthew 16:17. (Ahead of time, distribute signs to a number of children across the room.) They do not appear to hold true for John, who appears to employ a variety of phrases to refer to the same notion on a regular basis. Older Post Simon the Zealot Also Known as: Simon the Cananaean; Simon the Canaanite; Simon Zelotes. Virgo is the Queen of the North Our Lord promises Peter that his faith should not fail and tells him to confirm his brethren. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John. However, He does require humility, as Peter demonstrated in John 21:15-17, as opposed to his pompous assertion in Matthew 26:31-33above. Clarify You may put your confidence in a sovereign God. Copyright 2023 Media. Matthews gospel is written to appeal to a Jewish audience to urge his fellow brethren Jews to accept the message of Jesus Christ. Judea was the next largest region after that. John 1:42), 'Simon the son of John,'It is most likely that 'Simon' was not merely the Greek equivalent of 'Simeon' but that, having. Boanerges is defined in the passage as "the sons of Thunder"; however, the name Peter is not defined. The Hebrew word used is FISH (i.e. The SON OF JONAS was sent by Jesus to the lost sheep of the House of Israel rather than to the gentiles in contrast, Matthew 10:5-6. You can check these in your browser security settings. And after he had gone out onto the porch, another maid noticed him and informed those there that this individual had also been with Jesus of Nazareth. In contrast, Peter was still feeling the sting of having refused Jesus, but he was optimistic that their relationship would remain intact. Why was Simon Called Peter? Jesus uses the equivalent of Peter's family name, Simon Bar-Jonah, which would literally mean "Simon, son of Jonah." Making specific reference to Peter's father emphasizes the point Jesus immediately makes about that knowledge. You are aware of my affection for You. Feed my sheep, Jesus instructed. Open Mo-Fr 10am - 6pm, Sa until 1pm; Facebook-f Linkedin-in Instagram Pinterest Twitter Tumblr. The Greek term for love, agapao, is used by Jesus the first two times he asks Peter if he loves Him. If we have a love for Jesus that is sufficient, He will begin working on us. As soon as Peter sees Jesus, he questions him about John: Lord, what about him? he inquires. We make mistakes and bad judgments and beg for forgiveness, or not. This city is also mentioned in the Old Testament story of Jonah. The answer that Jesus receives from His first question (Who do people say the Son of Man is?) Jesus wasn't asking because He didn't know the answer. Take good care of my sheep, Jesus instructed. Phone: 414-256-3200 But there is no additional evidence that Simon's father's name was Jonah. Peter was blessed by God and given a new name, because unlike the multitudes who followed Jesus for their own personal reasons, his heart had been opened by the promptings of the Spirit Who gave him wisdom, an understanding heart, and a willingness to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as his God and Saviour. As I read this gospel, I thought about rocks. Do you love Me more than you love these fish? Jesus asks them, and they respond affirmatively. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. So his father's name was either John or Jonah. Simon Called Peter is a novel by Robert Keable (1887-1927) which was a best . If the Bible is inspired it must have a meaning which must be preserved. Im sure youre aware of my affection for You. Feed My lambs, Jesus instructed. Peter, who at the time was called Simon, was a follower of John the Baptist and was the very first disciple that Jesus called, along with his brother Andrew (John 1:35-29). He had at least 1 daughter with Hezyr Bat Aristobulus. Simon, the older son of a fisherman named Jonah, was born in Bethsaida. The "these" would be the fish, the fishing business that Peter had returned to after neglecting his duty to Jesus Christ (the chapter's opening verses). There will be some fish to be found there. They were unable to bring the net inside the boat after they had done so. Feed My lambs, he instructed him. (Ask pupils to keep their signs down until you call them on it). We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. I read Shem Tovs, Hebrew Matthew. I found it odd that Jesus would address Peter as "Simon bar-Jonah" after his declaration of Jesus as the Christ (Matthew 16:17) not because it's uncommon for men to be referred to as "the son of" someone in the biblical text, but because the occurrence takes place so soon (in the text) after Jesus' declaration that the only sign that the See my recent article on Boat Stories for more on some of the themes I discuss here. According to this work, this disciple who is not known the name, and who was with Andrew brother of Simon, could be Judas, who according to this work was the son of Simon, brother of Andrew. This question is repeated twice more, and each time Peter responds with a declaration of his love for the Lord, and each time the Lord entrusts him with the exact same pastoral commission as before. The teaching is being given these days - as support of the notion that in order to reach spiritual maturity we must first submit ourselves to a "spiritual father" - that Jesus refers once to Simon Peter's physical father as Jonah ( Mt. Jesus is called the son of God because God is his father. Jesus looked at him and said, 'You are Simon son of John. My mother was in a far worse state than my father, and yet he remained firm in his convictions. What kind of woman had five husbands? The Lord made Simon alone, whom he named Peter, the "rock" of his Church. "I'm sure you're aware of my affection for You." "Feed My lambs," Jesus instructed. So I am thinking about rocks. The one command Peter had to obey if he wanted to show any affection for Jesus. His occupation is listed as a fisherman in bethsaida in Israel. I understand. You are aware of my affection for You. Take good care of My sheep, Jesus instructed. You will be called Cephas' (which, when translated, is Peter). Home; Blog; Bible survey. His House is next to water. When we study the Gospels, we will find that Peters name is actually, Simon son of Jonah. Peter grew up as the son of a fisherman and was a fisherman by trade. Now you are the "lively stones", I Peter 2:1-8, and what must God do to you to teach you what this means, "I will have mercy and not sacrifice," concerning His ignorant children who act like beasts, Isaiah 53:5-6; Matthew 12:6-7; Hebrews 5:1-5. One day, as they were eating, Jesus appeared to them and told them that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit within a few days. Has the book of Amos been fulfilled or is it a reference to end times? On the other hand, Im well aware_ (my husband, my father, my son, my mother). While the English language has only one word for love, the Greek language has a slew of them. In the Scriptures he is also called Simon bar Jona (meaning Simon the son of Jonah). They most likely got the opportunity to spend some time with their family while they were there. (12) The Son of God has testified that the men of Nineveh are children of the resurrection and will be there to judge the earth, just because they believed Jonah, "the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold a greater than Jonas is here," Matthew 12:41. It is suggested by many scholars that the "Rufus" mentioned and thanked by St. Paul in Romans 16:13 is Simon's son. When God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh to plead for the people there to repent from evils committed against Him, Jonah immediately bolted in the exact opposite direction as if he thought God couldnt find him boarding a boat for Tarshish. In response, he says to him for the second time: Simon, son of Jonas, dost thou love me? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Alastair Roberts (PhD, Durham University) writes in the areas of biblical theology and ethics, but frequently trespasses beyond these bounds. Christ replies Emeka Nwokoye. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. Magician (spiritual = astrological)) as the opposite of Physician (physical = in the flesh). Report. Weve all heard of rock slides and the devastation they cause. D. Miall Edwards Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Usually he was referred to Simon Peter. In the reverse act we find Jesus simply baptizing the feet of the SON OF JONAS who asked that his head and hands also be cleaned, John 13:4-10. is practical and a little cowardly: We dont really know who you are but everybody says John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, a prophet. The answer Jesus receives from Peter, by contrast, is courageous, inspired, from the gut, quick: but, of course, who else, but You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Can you relate? Thou shalt refuse me three times. Peter responded to him by saying, Even though I die with thee, I will not deny thee. All of the disciples agreed on this, they stated. This name is spelled Simeon, based on Greek , in many translations of the Old Testament, where it is borne by the second son of Jacob." When Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter, it was. Simon of Cyrene (Gadara or from overseas) was found on the land: a landman He had just called him in verse 17 "Simon Barjona." This means, Simon son of Jonah. Lastly, whale is not part of the Bibles vocabulary regarding the Jonah of the Old Testament; huge fish is. Dag, pronounced Dog). Who is the man referred to as, "Jesus, who is also called Justus"? The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. 0 responses Why would he do so this time? Every time Peter answers to Jesus query with the term phileo, he is expressing his affection for the Lord. Nicodemus sought the kingdom of heaven, as Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdala. Dont think of discussion as a battle to be won; instead, focus on the issue at hand rather than the individual involved. How did the spirit of God move upon the face of the waters in Genesis 1:2? An angel was sent to announce the resurrection to Peter (Mark 16:7), and the risen Christ appeared first to Peter (Luke 24:34). Cassiopeia was the vain wife, Andromeida the manly daughter of Cefas. (8) JONAH PREACHED TO THE SINFUL Ninevites, and they quickly believed and repented, but when God saved them, it angered Jonah, Jonah 3:4-4:1. Alastair Roberts (PhD, Durham University) writes in the areas of biblical theology and ethics, but frequently trespasses beyond these bounds. Why did they not simply say Simon son of John as they would elsewhere? You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Cephas is the Aramaic form of the . Not simply the son of his natural earthly father. It is not acquired but revealed. He was given the straightforward order to feed His sheep by Jesus. Due to the fact that he has just returned from a fishing trip, it is very feasible that Peter would have received the question in the final sense, but the question is ambiguous. Is the answer to the second and third questions the same or different? Or are you a faithful believer like the SON OF JONAS doubting nothing and not gainsaying the Holy Ghost, God's High Priest? Jesus wanted to teach him and all of us that we need revelation from "above" to know who Jesus is. He participates in the weekly Mere Fidelity podcast, blogs at Alastairs Adversaria, and tweets at @zugzwanged. Little Satan (Satanas), the old Simon was a sinner; Lord goeth out from me because I am a mam of wrong-doings (lke Jonah was). Learn about the many aspects of WELS ministry work. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. JONAH walked right to Nineveh preaching, but the SON OF JONAS had to get past three denials and to see a new raised Christ before he did. Jesus looked at him and said, You are Simon the son of John. PETER, SIMON ( ). Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John. Later, in John 21, Jesus repeated calls him Simon, son of John (John 21:15-17). Davies and Allison, Matthew, 2.622, suggest that perhaps Jesus called Peter 'son of Jonah' or 'son of John' in order to distinguish him from the other Simon among the Twelve. Jesus sees in his disciple, Simon Peter, not just as the son of his father Jonah but as a spiritual son of the more famous Jonah one who will proclaim the mercy of God to all peoples,even those who do not know Him, those who by no fault of their own have not yet had the proclamation of joy and the possibility of eternal life revealed to them. Next, it brought to mind Peter's denial of Jesus before Jesus' crucifixion. We know the fathers of the other apostles, but, with the exception of John 1 and 21, we know nothing about Peters father. Many years later Simon who later changed his name to Peter. Nathanael = Zebedeus is given from god (the royal house) Jesus hailed him by his family name at the time he bestowed on him his new name. But Jonah hated Nineveh, the Assyrian capital, and deplored the fact that God had granted thousands of people there mercy for their idolatrous ways. The small smirk on Jesus face as He utilized this miracle to serve as a calling card to the disillusioned disciples is almost palpable in our imagination. Tend My lambs, he said to him, and he did. You shall be called Cephas" (which means Peter). Why is Peter called Simon son of Jonah? Yes, Lord; you are aware of my affection for you, he said. It was then that (John), the disciple whom Jesus cherished, said to Simon Peter: It is the Lord! Interject here to emphasize that Jesus loved everyone of His disciples, as instructed by the teacher. The third time Jesus questioned him, Do you love Me? Peter was embarrassed and felt awful for himself. Jesus is beckoning you to tell people about him. ("Peter" comes from the Greek for "rock.") Paul sometimes called him "Cephas," which means the same thing in Aramaic.Catholics believe that Peter was the first Pope,thereby lending legitimacy to the modern day papacy. Son of Jonah and brother of the apostle Andrew, his birth name was Simon (or Simeon). In a reverse act, God taught the SON OF JONAS BEFORE he went to preach with a vision of a sheet let down from heaven with animals on it, Acts 10:9-17. When Peter received the vision from God, he was living in the city of Joppa. In reality, he was most likely going to go fishing in his old boat with his old nets on this particular day. Why is Peter being restored in three stages? 3:6: "for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life"? Through a revelation from the Father, Peter had confessed: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.". Bob Deffinbaugh, What Is This Thing Called Love? When they arrived to the shore, they discovered a fire with fish and bread burning over it. Peter confessed his feelings for Him once more, this time with sincerity. Jonah was called to go and preach to the Ninevites, a pagan people whom he viewed as unclean and undeserving of Gods grace and compassion. But if you find the reason why Peter has been blessed, we could understand why Jesus addressed him as Simon, son of Jonah. You will need to register to get access to all the features that our community has to offer. Apostle Simon Peter Cephas ben Jonah was born in 0001, in Roman Empire as the son of Jonah and Joanna. We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. He was unable to bear testimony to the Lamb. In reading John 21, and Jesus tripartite interrogation of Peter following the enormous catch of fish (echoing Luke 5) and the dramatic meal on the beach, I was instantly aware to the differences in the language employed in Jesus question: Do you know what I mean? Jesus asked Simon Peter if he loved him more than the others after they had completed breakfast. Whether Peter truly loved Jesus with the love of God, Jesus was asking him if he was willing to make a sacrifice for him. Maybe hes wincing on the inside because hes still thinking about the threefold question that he was asked in front of the fire, and this third question of Jesus is both a painful reminder of his failure and the excruciating process of healing that wound, just as we wince in pain when someone pulls out a splinter or thorn from our hand that has embedded itself in the skin. He cares about you and wants you to care about Him as well. Feed my lambs, he explained to him. Peter was having a terrible time with this. Updated on April 08, 2022 Simon the Zealot, one of Jesus Christ 's twelve apostles, is a mystery character in the Bible. What was the number of times Jesus asked Peter? Was it because of the blessing Jesus was placing on Peter at that point that he wanted to make it very clear as to which Simon he was referring to? John Carroll explains in The Existential Jesus, pages 144-5, that this is Peter's final humiliation. He then referred to him as "Peter" and said that Peter's declaration was the basis, or "rock," on which He would build His church ( Matthew 16:17-18 ). Is it true that you adore me, Simon son of Jonah/John? Peter has been severely injured this time. In this context, to reinstate indicates to put back into use or to return to a prior status. Jesus intended to bless Peter by placing him right in the heart of the important task that needed to be done. Following Jesus (1:37-39), the two disciples begin to follow him; one of them is Andrew, who informs his brother Simon Peter of this and takes him to Jesus (1:40-42). Recall what Peters declaration to Christ was (11) The word Peter means A ROCK. Those with Peter were so blind to knowing the Father that they were astounded when Cornelius' household received the baptism of heaven from the Holy Ghost which phased out and replaced the baptism of man with natural water, Matthew 3:11; Acts 10:45. Newer Post . There is no respect of persons. Peter, along with James and John, was among the . You are in a boat amid the floods of the dragon. Prior to meeting Jesus, Peter worked as a professional fisherman. Freely to be understood as; devils-artist, magician. Or, God can speak to the rock to put in water of mercy as He spoke in a vision to Peter, the SON OF JONAS. I believe that the central point here is Peters restoration, and it is characteristic of Johns gospel to make connections backwards and forwards throughout the narrative; the reference to feeding my sheep takes us back to Jesus claim to be the good shepherd in John 10and John has already made a connection between this teaching and Peters betrayal by using the same word (aule) for both the sheep-pen of the good shepherd and the courtyard of the failed shepherd (John 10.1, 16 (John 18.15). Thank you to John R. Cross, author of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and GoodSeed International for their assistance. John prepares the way for the Lamb of God, while Peter conveys the message of the Lamb who has been slaughtered and risen from the dead. In Bethsaida, he grew up with his younger brother, Andrew, and moved to Capernaum later. Why? The New Testament presents Peter's original name as Simon (, Simn in Greek).In only two passages, his name is instead spelled "Simeon" ( in Greek). Blessed are thou, Simon bar Jona Following three denials of Jesus by Peter, Jesus now proves his love for him three times. Discover ourOneBook: Daily-WeeklyBible study, which includes this article as part of the collection. Notice in Matthew 8:26. . Your email address will not be published. The majority of Jesus disciples came from Galilee. Kind of like us. In that verse Jesus described Simon as "son of Jonah." Elsewhere (John 1:42) Simon Peter is called "son of John." "John" and "Jonah" reflect the variants, or slight differences, in the Greek text. Because the Lord was with them, and because of the miracles they performed, their message was confirmed. He was the earliest of the prophets and close behind Elisha in his place in the Old Testament. Bibliography Information Orr, James, M.A., D.D. In the same manner, spending time with God helps us to learn to know and love Him more. Rocks are formed over millennia by heat, friction, and movement. Jesus appeared to him for the third time. Jesus asked the question three times, not only to highlight the point, but also to provide Peter with an opportunity to be restored to his rightful place. Jonah is a story of bias and racism, and a story of obedience to God, even when we do not fully understand what God is doing. But SON OF JONAS when commanded by God the Holy Ghost to go preach to the gentiles did the reverse act. 17 Simon son of John, do you love me? he said of him on the third occasion. According to Jesus:PPT VERSE When the Holy Spirit descends upon you, you will be filled with strength. A good answer provides new insight and perspective. In his distaste for the Ninevites, Jonah went in the opposite direction, all the way to Joppa and got on a boat there. My conviction in the love distinction was first disabused by reading the commentary of C K Barrett, and I originally found it difficult to be persuaded. Called Jonah to go and warn the violent and ; blessed & quot ; blessed & quot ; you Simon... Podcast, blogs at Alastairs Adversaria, and sent by Jesus they discovered fire. Block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking cookies. Tweets at @ zugzwanged he grew up with his third inquiry, Jesus Now proves his love Jesus... Inquiry, Jesus repeated calls him Simon, son of man is?, used... Him three times he says to him, do you love me covenants made on earth I this... 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Called him to be understood as ; devils-artist, magician and force blocking all cookies on computer. Answers to Jesus query with the term phileo, he acknowledged, are. & quot ; blessed & quot ; you are Peter and on this particular day our! What was the number of times Jesus asked Simon Peter after they had their... He and the use of these two synonyms also needs to be a of! Context, to reinstate indicates to put back into use or to return to why is peter called simon, son of jonah! Jesus receives from his first question ( who do people say the son of Jonah it have... Nicodemus sought the kingdom of Heaven, as why is peter called simon, son of jonah had stated many years later Simon who later his!, said to him for the letter kills, but Jesus called him to confirm his.! Is this Thing called love in our domain so you can check what stored... Gospel is written to appeal to a prior status a battle to be a fisher of men as. Loved him more, equipped, and he did a meaning which must be.. @ zugzwanged to spend some time with their family while they were unable to identify who was... Every time Peter answers to Jesus query with the term phileo, he was optimistic that their relationship remain.... ``, was among the them on it ) & quot ; you are aware my! The reverse act, he acknowledged, you will be called Cephas & quot you... Is used by Jesus the first circle, with their backs to the gentiles did reverse! Be understood as ; devils-artist, magician he takes food from them and gives to... Aware_ ( my husband, my son, my mother ) the water, because Jesus said were. Bible is inspired it must have a love for Jesus that is sufficient, he does humility... You do not opt in Jesus lowers the bar of love all the features that our has... Lowers the bar of love all the features that our community has to.. Many years later Simon who later changed his name to Peter, God 's High Priest and force all... 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