This rule is very cult-like because its very confusing, and it also contradicts itself. after milieu control is extensive personal manipulation Initiated from There has always been a heavy emphasis in the organization placed on staying away from any publications not published by Watchtower. Evolve From Within Never Stop Learning. Thats because they know that if theyre able to make their members feel guilty about leaving them, theyre going to have a hard time doing so. There is no free time to think or analyze. being changed a step at a time. This is usually done through peer pressure or subtle manipulation. Have you been told that if it wasnt for them, youd be lost? This is usually done by making you feel guilty. The next step the cult will take is isolating their new recruit from outside influences. Your beliefs are not yours and you cannot change them. Some adjust well to it after a period of time, embracing their new role as "group member" and casting aside their old sense of independence. For example, you may be punished for not being able to speak or communicate with your loved ones. Why? Recovery from a cult experience does not occur as a result of outside initiative. 1. Here's a way to both learn about cults and recognize if a dangerous one is near you. The final step is vital. "Mind control is sort of like magic - anyone is in danger of falling into that trap," the ex-member said. Then they can progress to pressing the call button, then stepping into and out of the elevator while keeping. Codifying Consent w/Joyce Short & Nina Lucas. Besides, cults often try to isolate their members from the outside world so that theyre unable to get in touch with anyone whos not in the cult. makes it virtually impossible to attain a reasonable balance between worth and Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The gloves start to come off. Because your behavior might not be completely under your control. A woman born into David Berg's Children of God recalled this technique as a "wave of peace and love". On the evening of the 18th November 1978, Jim Jones persuaded his followers to drink a punch laced with cyanide. There is nothing to distinguish a religion from a cult. How do you feel when you read your favorite news source? Now you know that some people might try to convince you that what theyre saying is true for your own good. From day one, it's a process of manipulation and deception. Its amazing how the average person is brainwashed without them even knowing it. Thats one of the most negative sides of the cults. Please take a minute and read about this on An analysis of Dr Arthur J. Deikman's book on cult behavior 8. As Lifton said, this is the basic foundation on which a system of indoctrination and brainwashing is built. This is an example of a very cult-like rule. 81 minutes | Jan 25, 2023. The immediate hurdle is recognizing youve been indoctrinated. Cults mislead new recruits/members as to the true expectations and activities of the group. There are people that are completely self-interested; there are people projecting all kinds of qualities and needs out of trauma; there are people that dont really care about his racism or incredible misogyny but are really interested in his tax plan. I'm talking about the absurdly good . Ultimately, feelings of worthlessness and "evil" become associated with independence and critical thinking, and feelings of warmth and love become associated with unquestioning submission. There are currently about 7,600,000,000 humans living on the earth right now. If this sounds like whats happening in your life, it might be time to take a step back and take a closer look at how the information is shaping your beliefs. He can only answer anecdotally, which offers insight into the indoctrination process: My attraction toward Michael Roach was primal. Admit it. They want us to believe that were victims, but they dont want us to be able to stop being victims. Indoctrination, or thought reform, is a long process that never really ends. Lets repeat that one more time for clarity. In totalist hands, confession becomes a Roach systematized his own brand of Tibetan Buddhism, one that the Dalai Lama and senior leaders rebuffed. Do you feel uncertain about whether your beliefs belong entirely to you or not? 8. For an example of this, look no further than feminism. Another important distinction is one that underlies all of the previous distinctions: The military is accountable to its government for its activities -- it is a regulated organization. It will only happen when they are personally re. (Photo by Ted Aljibe/AFP/Getty Images), Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture 4. His studies and research led him to the point where he was able to break it down into levels of severity and compartmentalize the whole process of actually controlling someones mind. Many cults have compounds or other places where they require members to stay, ensuring that the cult has total control over every aspect of their lives. Manipulators know that there are many physical techniques whereby a victim can be brainwashed. Inside of the Jehovahs Witnesses religion, the elders in each local congregation are to be informed of almost all sins. Are you really willing to give your money to people you dont even know? (1) Distinctive rituals and beliefs related to God or a person; (2) Isolation from surrounding "evil" culture (idea that the cult is the place of safety and security); (3) A charismatic leader; (4) Observable commitment; Hindsight Bias Analysis MY FIVE-STEP GUIDE TO CRAFTING A CULT. Cults tend to have very simple and similar foundations and common factors having all or some of the following: [1] A charismatic founder, leader or leadership. A charismatic leader, who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that may have originally sustained the group lose power. This leader then informs the members. Showing great attention and love to a person in the group by others in the group, to help transfer emotional dependence to the group. Not only the individuals communication with the outside, but alsohis communication with himselfextensive information about everyone is being conveyed to the authorities [of the group] is [common knowledge]Having experienced the impact of what they consider to be an ultimate truth, they [the authorities of the group] consider it their duty to create an environment containing no more and no less than this truth. [The group member] is deprived of the combination of external information and inner reflection which anyone requires to test the realities of his environment and to maintain a measure of identity separate from it. Here is a video explaining these failed predictions very clearly A Brief History of Watchtowers Failed Armageddon Predictions. Do you believe that what you read is true or that its all made up to make people believe certain things? But when a cult like Buddhafield emerges and, flipping the script on the normal derivation of insidious leader, Michel sexually abuses the men in the group, we again step back and ask: how? Then, lets get a clearer idea of what indoctrination truly is. "Most cults are extremely small and very deliberately try to to stay under the radar," Eichel told "48 Hours" correspondent Peter Van Sant. This group of about 8 imperfect human men adamantly claim to be governing the exclusive organization for the entire planet of 7.6 billion humans, possessing the divinely-gifted authority to oversee the single organization on Earth that contains the only system of principles to guide humans in living a life that will ensure the best chance Answer (1 of 2): The Jehovah's witnesses cult leaders use current members to recruit.they look for gullible , vulnerable, lonely , economically desperate people.. they start with a smile and feigned interest in you . The leader may offer occasional gifts and special privileges to encourage continued submission. As most people would agree, life is anything but black and white anymore. Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and Agnostics all practice it as a means of recovery. Humans are a social animal species inescapably shaped by cultural context, and thus some degree of indoctrination is implicit in the parent-child relationship, and has an essential function in forming stable communities of shared values, and thus . "Nothing is at last sacred, but the integrity of your own mind." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson. Physical abuse. You now see that there are different sides to every story and that everything depends on how you look at it. They will make you feel like youre a bad person if you break their rules, or if your actions contradict their beliefs. Cult members exit from a cult experience and begin their recovery only by means of original initiative. It took me a very long time to completely reprogram my heart and my critical thinking techniques. This is a central doctrine of their belief system. Remski has, fortunately, come to terms with the fear and instability that lied dormant at the foundation of his discontent. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how she or he is. Has holding tightly to this two witness rule ever gotten the Watchtower in trouble? Very Important: Please give this next thought your deepest consideration prior to beginning to read the following information. agenda or full content of the group. Slowly people began to hear about the commune. This one is executed very differently inside of a brainwashing mind control cult. You couldnt relax somehow. If so, chances are high that you used to believe that some things were true and others were wrong, but now you have a different view of the world. Americans, perpetually paranoid about foreign ideas, began using cult to describe faith healers about a century ago. It is my personal belief and opinion that this religion is a cult in the truest sense of the word. Hong Kong, CHINA: Geshe Michael Roach (L) and Christie McNally holds a yoga session during the Asia Yoga Conference dubbed 'Evolution' at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 02 June 2007. 77SharesSubject and Expectation: In part two of this ongoing series recounting the story of how he escaped the most dangerous religious cult in the, Spread the Love - Share this Post! Any doubts, assertiveness or remaining ties to the outside world are punished by the group through criticism, guilt and alienation. This body of men that is comprised of anywhere from eight to twelve men is a unit of self-proclaimed representatives for Gods faithful and discreet slave class.This expression is based on their interpretation of the Parable of The Faithful Servant at Matthew 24:45-47, Mark 13:34-37, and Luke 12: 35-48. While in the cult, he was eating one meal a day and sleeping only two hours each night. They have and will continue to positively destroy peoples lives and create one of the biggest negative footprints on the evolution of our species entire history. Cults and controversial religious groups gain followers and . Yes, faith can bring some joy in our life. If youre a massless particle, you must always move at light speed. If thats the case, their main purpose is probably to isolate you from the outside world. Much of my mental and physical battle came from many other resources that helped me to understand the reasoning behind how deeply rooted the control was in my mind and heart. In 1961, Lifton published his book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China where he broke down the entire process of how a person or an entity can use 8 defined techniques to actually reform the way a person thinks and reasons. The concept of thought reform itself is a controversial one -- some say it's mere propaganda designed to scare people away from new religions and political movements. I believe personally that they have done this to monopolize, as much as possible, the need for any of their followers to desire to look elsewhere for knowledge. They reminded him of his Catholic upbringing, one filled with violence and abuse, yet, as he says of Roach, represented a demilitarized, more feminine version of the robes of my childhood. Early repression in church left Remski hollow, vacant, setting him up for indoctrination under Roachs care. Thats because groups often try to get their members dependent on them so that theyll no longer have any other options or ways of life. This happens in groups of ten or ten million. 1. PLAY 8 Steps to Cult Indoctrination Redacted Conversation Christianity In this episode we'll look at the 8 main ways cults recruit new members, and draw some parallels between that and the NIFB churches I've talked about in the past. The technique described here is actually a pretty common one used by many religious groups around the world. Remski admits to his intense drive for crisis-type experiences of love that left him feeling manic. In the thought reform milieu, . But even with good intentions, if a group or organization that you belong to is made up of the following defined criteria, then it is absolutely using brainwashing mind control techniques to indoctrinate you. Taking long and slow breaths and engaging in calming self-talk lower the fear reaction. What was the last thing you got for your devotion? Hes been involved in two cults: the Gelukpa Tibetan Buddhist group headed by former diamond dealer Michael Roach and former real estate salesman Charles Andersons Endeavor Academy. Some synonyms of milieu are background, setting, atmosphere, and context. For enlisted personnel, this process occurs during Army Basic Training, Navy Boot Camp, Air Force Basic Training, or Marine Corps Boot Camp. It was originally formulated in 1881 by Charles Taze Russell and has gone through several major changes and revisions since then. Cults are going virtual, but deprogramming needs one old-school tactic, say experts. The 12 Steps is very much seen as a practical program for a spiritual way of life and not an indoctrination of religious beliefs. What drew the Buddhafield members in, what drew Remski in, what continues to draw in Scientologists and Creationists and all other cults, is this other existence. What really matters, according to Hassan, is what differentiates a benign cult from a destructive culti.e., the one you really need to watch out for. Are you really in charge of your actions? If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Youre almost always financially manipulated if youre in an organization or a corporation. Why? A spiritual guru decided to set-up shop in the high plains of Wasco County, Oregon. This is a common feature of small groups or cults. As we go through each of the defined criteria we will showcase as an example of just how an Organization or group can go about executing this. Instead his dream world fed an insatiable curiosity about a perfection that can never exist. They will do anything they can to make you feel guilty and make you feel like youre a bad person if you dont follow the cults rules and values. Charles Manson talked his followers into committing brutal murders; members of Heaven's Gate made cheerful videos for their families before their mass suicide - believing they were to be taken to the next level on a spaceship that was hiding behind Hale-Bopp comet. If a system of belief or principles laid out by an organization or group is the definition of how you are living your entire life, then it should absolutely be solid enough to stand up to any amount of questioning to prove its reasoning or philosophy to be safe and logical for you and your loved ones. And you should take that responsibility. Well, Im afraid there may be: over-indulgence in rewards. The reason why groups tend to make their members obey is the shared desire to maintain group consensus. These methods include persuasion, deception, and pressuring us to do what they want. The members of the cult become the person's only social contact and feedback mechanism. Yes, there's actually a standard psychological step-by-step guide, for building your very own cult. Theres a riot of motivations. Dread - Once complete dependence is established, the member must retain the leader's good favor or else his life falls apart. Jonathan Royle, Hypnotist and NLP practitioner with over 30 years experience in the field of mind control and self help, is here today to outline the 8 steps. Another way cults manipulate people is by manipulating their finances. Members of any one of these suspect that others are cults, because, of course, they have the best one. 10 possible signs of ideological indoctrination 1) Your behavior isn't controlled entirely by you Be honest. When an innocent child has had its innocence ripped from them, even if the accusations cant be undeniably confirmed, then the only option is to involve the authorities, allowing them to conduct an investigation so that justice can be served. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. He's welcomed into the cult family and invited to commit himself to the group. My awakening process happened prior to stumbling across Steven Hassan, Americas leading cult expert, and his beautifully written works that wouldve been of great value to me. We will be using the organization Jehovahs Witnesses as a case study. I was in 4th grade. THANK YOU!!! Most of us are familiar with the classic definition of brainwashing: an attempt to control a persons beliefs and behavior using psychological techniques. Judaism, Buddhism, the countless local faiths now lumped under the term Hinduismall cults. Marshall Herff Applewhite, who founded the organization known as Heaven's Gate, led 38 others in a mass suicide near San Diego. It has been approximately nine years since I successfully woke myself up from being indoctrinated since birth into the infamous and world-renowned religion, Jehovahs Witnesses. He is loved again when he acknowledges that his devotion to the cult is the only thing that will bring him salvation. Theyre just manipulating you. Your work and research helped me to succeeded and now I have the happiest life possible. Remski does not like the question as it focuses on the potential psychological flaws or moral failures of the initiate. Groups try to make their members internalize their values. Do you have to attend their retreats and seminars on a regular basis? How a cult-recovery therapist helps former NXIVM members regain their independence: 'There's a huge amount of fear and loss'. In Scientology, this is accomplished through a rigorous process of indoctrination through written and tape-recorded materials. Our hope is that the information presented in this article is explained clearly and becomes a source of help to anyone brave enough to consider reprogramming their mind in order to find true mental and psychological freedom. I couldnt see what is true of all human beings: that he has an unconscious, and he doesnt know why hes doing what hes doing, and that some very deep, difficult stuff is likely beneath the surface. The ensuing information is not for the faint at heart to consider. Cults typically instill the belief that "outsiders" (non-cult members) are dangerous and wrong. Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group. Dani's final moment of indoctrination comes when the cult presents her with a choice: she must . Cults may not allow unsupervised contact with the "outside world." Words and experiences can be so powerful and so helpful. This site is an absolute treasure of support, critical thinking, and logical reasoning based on compassion and facts. The effects of indoctrination and brainwashing from a cult or religion can last a lifetime, even if the victim is able to wake up from its severe mental grasp. They want us to believe that were powerless to make our own choices and that our decisions are controlled by outside forces. Darwin missed an amazing example of evolution. pursuit of which must supersede all considerations of decency or of immediate Within two months of her kidnapping, Patty had changed her name, issued a statement in which she referred to her family as the "pig-Hearsts" and appeared on a security tape robbing a bank with her kidnappers. You could form a canasta cult, or a World of Warcraft cult, if you want. This is something thats used by all kinds of organizations, from corporations to religions to political factions. Prior to Hassans work, there was another authority on the subject that I personally give credit to for my own awakening. These broken people have been coming forward so much in recent times with their stories of pain and hurt, that a worldwide support group campaigning for the exposure of it was founded in 2001 called Silent Lambs. "Phobia indoctrination is the programming of irrational fears of ever leaving the group, or even questioning the leadership's authority. A cult answers to no one. Its okay to get rewarded. They teach ideology that goes against commonly accepted notions while dehumanizing people outside of their group. If this sounds familiar, here are 10 warning signs that youre being indoctrinated. There are also other more subtle ways that a manipulator can use, such as keeping noise levels up, having . strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes There is no single path to a cult, but there are patterns, and by recognizing his own, Remski was able to understand what Joseph Campbell famously stated regarding Arthurian tales, among other mythologies: freedom is in the wound. Its similar to the multiple factors and perspectives that people come through in developing their adulation for Donald Trump. Please give personal suggestions or recommendations of resources that you used to help yourself wake up and find freedom. The definition of brainwashing is slowly becoming more and more understood and associated with the phenomenon of information manipulation, which is a concept that has been around for a long time. 6 replies to The Steps of Indoctrination. The expression 'drinking the Kool-Aid' is a grim reference to this tragedy. Cults may hide any signs of illegal, immoral or hyper-controlling practices until the recruit has fully immersed himself in the group. give your money to people you dont even know, 14 brainwashed symptoms (the only list youll need), 10 signs of cult brainwashing (and what to do about it), Top 10 reasons why its important to know about spiritual matters, A brutal critique of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, A brutal critique of L. Ron Hubbard and his teachings, The fascinating life of the five most polemic gurus: A journey through wisdom, madness and manipulation. True expectations and activities of the Jehovahs Witnesses religion, the elders in each local congregation are to be of... Outside world. punished by the group through criticism, guilt and alienation Warcraft cult, or documenting... And perspectives that people come through in developing their adulation for Donald Trump J. Deikman & x27! Foundation of his discontent my heart and my critical thinking techniques as 's. Really willing to give your money to people you dont even know something. Insight into the indoctrination process: my attraction toward Michael Roach was primal is last... Also contradicts itself not be completely under your control average person is brainwashed them... Drink a punch laced with cyanide techniques whereby a victim can be brainwashed behavior might not be completely under control. 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Tempe Police Department Sgt Lenzen, Articles OTHER